Characters of the HejeVerse

Meet the Hejemen! Each one is a blend of emotion, experience, and a sprinkle of randomness.
What story do they tell you?

HejeSparkol chillinHejeSparkol

Used when we want to give the emotion of cleanliness and dexterity

HejeFreak chillinHejeFreak

Used when we want to be playfully freaky, but cute at the same time

HejePuke chillinHejePuke

Used when we want to showcase our disgust for something, but in a softer, more sarcastic manner than usual

HejeDrool chillinHejeDrool

Usually used when we want to playfully showcase our desire for something materalistic or emotional

HejeEepy chillinHejeEepy

Normally used when you want to let the other person know how sleepy you are

HejeGiggle chillinHejeGiggle

To express playfullness in a naughty and cute manner. Also used when you've said the most outragous shit

HejeSigh chillinHejeSigh

To express tiredness from a situation, but mostly used when the person is very mentally tired

HejeSush chillinHejeSush

Used sarcastically to indicate the other person to keep their mouth shut

HejeThink chillinHejeThink

Used when you're feeling dumb but wanna think a little bit more, or express mild confusion towards the conversation

HejeWeep chillinHejeWeep

Used when you're feeling sad (mild to high) and want support from the other person

HejeClown chillinHejeClown

Me. Me when I, when I. When I go, do, thing. Me when I do something, any uhhh. Me as I write this caption? 🦆 it lmao

HejeSalute chillinHejeSalute

A visual representation of "I gotchu bruv" or "Jee Sir, of course!"

HejeHungry chillinHejeHungry

Used to express minor-mild hunger, but a textual version of it is "where da fewd attt?? aaaaaaaa"

HejeMoan chillinHejeMoan


HejeGrmm chillinHejeGrmm

Often summoned by "HEJEGRMMM", it is used when you see/(talk about) something very hot, or "YUM" if you may

HejeHapiEmoshunal chillinHejeHapiEmoshunal

Used when you get emotional, usually for things that touch your heart in a very positive manner

HejeKewl chillinHejeKewl

Usually used when you feel proud of a small-medium leveled achievement, which can be sarcastic as well

HejeBonita chillinHejeBonita

Usually used when you feel very Bonita due to a very sweet compliment from the other person

HejeNerd chillinHejeNerd

Usually used when you want to show how smart you are. Can be used very sarcasitcally too as a self-deprecating comment

HejeSus chillinHejeSus

Usually used when something seems off, or if the other person makes a wild, out-of-pocket comment

HejeRizz chillinHejeRizz

Usually used when you want to Rizz up the other person, but in a very cute manner

HejeHeadfonez chillinHejeHeadfonez

Could be either "Lemme go wear earphonos" or "HEADFONESS"

HejeDizzy chillinHejeDizzy

Used when you're feeling a little stupid, or silli if you may

HejeLoveFarts chillinHejeLoveFarts

I mean, what's a better way to show love than a cute ahh tutol that's farting hearts? amirite?

HejeLoaf chillinHejeLoaf